Sunday, January 29, 2012

Michel Hazanavicius from The Artist wins the Directors Guild Award and Pops a Hole in the Balloon (Fun) for Awards Season

In a not so surprising outcome, Michel Hazanavicius from The Artist won the Director's Guild prize last night for feature film.  Prior to the Broadcast Film Critics Awards and the Golden Globes this award season looked to have some mystery, but then came The Artist.

First and foremost I have to say I gave The Artist four stars out of five, and I do not think it's a bad film.  Many people have compared its trajectory slightly to Te King's Speech from last year.  As in, how can you hate this film, it's the most heartwarming, and like able of all of the nominees.  The Artist pays homage to the early days of film, and people are suckers for nostalgia.  I do admire the film, I laughed a lot, felt connected to the couple in the film (even though the script used the  A Star is Born type relationship), and while I was afraid that using silence was going to be a gimmick, it was not, and done well.  

I think my problem is not with the film itself but with the actual award shows themselves.  It seems as though many of them are afraid to pick something different.  In the last few years films match up and win straight through award season, and by the time the Oscars roll around things are way too predictable.  This makes me want to skip the award show.  Yes, I said it, the person who loves award shows, wants to skip them.  Where's the drama? The Excitement?  Every voting body can not think think that The Artist was the best film, that's some heard mentality going on there.  Has Mrs, Eleanor Shawn Iselin (the Lansbury verson) played cards with all of these voters?

I know I sound snotty, and I do not want to take anything away from Hazanavicius; his direction is solid, while  not the best this year, he did good work.  I think the voters get lazy, and feel as though sending this film through bolsters their ego and makes voting bodies feel as though they are a part of making something happen. Stop!  Pick, what you honestly think is the best.  I will step away from this now (for today).

Here is the official list of winners:

Best Director for a Feature Film
Michel Hazanavicius, The Artist
Feature Documentary
James Marsh, Project Nim
Drama Series
Patty Jenkins, The Killing, “Pilot” (AMC)
Comedy Series
Robert B. Weide, Curb Your Enthusiasm, “Palestinian Chicken” (HBO) (Great Win)!!
Movies for Television and Miniseries
Jon Cassar, The Kennedys (Reelz Channel)
Reality Series
Neil P. Degroot, The Biggest Loser, “Episode #1115” (NBC)
Musical/Variety Series
Glenn Weiss, 65th Annual Tony Awards (CBS)
Daytime Serials
William Ludel, General Hospital, “Intervention” (ABC)


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