Friday, January 20, 2012

In Memoriam: Etta James

One January 20, 2012 legendary lady of soul Etta James passed away from complications of leukemia.  This woman's voice is one of the most soulful, and she has one of the most recognizable songs of all time "At Last."  While many people will simply remember this crooner for this song, James was so much more, and her blend of soul, R&B, and rock has defined her as one of the most inspirational female vocalists of all time.

The Associated Press stated "Despite the reputation she cultivated, she would always be remembered best for “At Last.” The jazz-inflected rendition wasn’t the original, but it would become the most famous and the song that would define her as a legendary singer. Over the decades, brides used it as their song down the aisle and car companies to hawk their wares, and it filtered from one generation to the next through its inclusion in movies like “American Pie.” Perhaps most famously, President Obama and the first lady danced to a version at his inauguration ball."  James is a timless presence in the world of entertainment, and she has influenced many vocalist today.


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