Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Artist Inches Closer to Winning Best Picture with a win at the Producer's Guild

Tonight Hollywood made a declaration, the declaration was one of silence.  The silent film The Artist was named the best theatrical feature by the Producer's Guild of America (PGA). In the 22 year history of the award  15 of those winning films went on to win Best Picture.  The Artist winning this award tonight proves to provide it with some pretty good odds as the Academy Awards draw nearer.  The interesting thing about the more recent years is that from 2000 to the present four films did not match up (Moulin Rouge,The Aviator, Brokeback Mountain, and Little Miss Sunshine).  This Guild has however matched exactly since 2007.  I think The Artist is going to win this award easily this year.  I will say the film's name is not engraved on the statue, heck the nominations have not even been announced, but I predict it will do well.

Listed Below is the list of winners in the film and television categories:

Theatrical Feature: The Artist
Animated Feature: The Adventures of Tintin
TV Drama: Boardwalk Empire
TV Longform: Downton Abbey
TV Comedy: Modern Family
TV News: 60 Minutes
TV Sports: ESPN’s 30 for 30
TV Variety: The Colbert Report
TV Documentary: American Masters
TV Reality: The Amazing Race


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