Sunday, August 14, 2011

We Need to Talk About Me? ....Probably a Different Kevin

The French and UK versions of the the trailer for the film We Need to Talk About Kevin have been released, and I can't wait to see this film.  The film is based on the book by Lionel Shriver entited "We Need to Talk About Kevin" and focuses on Kevin a boy who does a school shooting.  The film will center on how his mother copes with her sons actions through writing to her former husband.  The trailer is dark and disturbing, and has me on the edge of my seat.
We Need to Talk About Kevin
The film stars the awe inspiring actress Tilda Swinton who has blown me away with her subtle work in films like Michael Clayton, Julia, I am Love, and The Deep End.  The father is played by the once only mainstream actor John C. Reilly who has a burgeoning indie film career on the rise with films like Cyrus; he also is a fixture in many Will Ferrell films like Step Brothers and Talladega Nights: The Legend of Ricky Bobby.  Ezra Miller plays the son and I am not familiar with any of his previous work in either Royal Pains (on USA) or in the Showtime series Californication, but a role like this could be a huge launch pad for his career.
When a film's trailer puts me on the edge on my seat I know I am sold.  I think that a solid trailer that is constructed like leaves enough to imagination while bringing intrigue is the direction more films should take.  Tilda Swinton is slowly becoming one of the most underrated actresses in Hollywood; she has such presence and power and I am excited to see her talk about a different Kevin.


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