I was debating last night between two different things on television, one of of my favorite television shows in one of their best seasons, True Blood or the MTV VMAs which I know to be pretty craptastic lately. My decision was to watch True Blood then catch the second hour of the VMAs (wise decision). I briefly saw Lady Gaga come on stag as her male alter ego Joe Calderone, and then it was on to True Blood. If you missed last nights True Blood for this awful award show, watch it now!
As True Blood ended my friend switched the channel and it almost felt like it was a sign for me to tune in at that moment. Katy Perry was on stage (in a very unflattering purple dress) and she announced that the next singer would be Adele. Adele gave me chills with her amazing performance of "Someone Like You." After this moment it felt as though her brilliant performance was misplace because it was beyond the talent of of most of the artists who either won or performed.
The show was full of moments that appeared to make presenters, award recipients feel uncomfortable or they looked incredibly awkward. As I watched Just Bieber receive his award he thanked not only God but Jesus too. I know that Bieber is younger, but that moment made me think about Will Ferrell when he prays in the film Talladega Nights: The Legend of Ricky Bobby, and he prays to the baby Jesus and tells his family they can pray to whatever for of Jesus they like.
Britney Spears did win the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award, and this award has had such past
After Britmey accepted the award she announced Beyonce, and she did a great job with the song "Love on Top" which harkened back to a more traditional R&B style, and of course she trumped everyone by announcing her pregnancy, in true Beyonce style.
The best new artist (one of the four awards I saw presented) was given to Tyler the Creator who gave advice to the kids who wanted a moonman too; his advice was "bleep, bleep with bleep etc." The bleeped out acceptance speech did seem the most genuine of the evening and his mother sure was excited he won the award.
The most awkward award show presenter combination in the history of all award shows, EVER, was the pairing of the ladies of the Jersey Shore with Cloris Leachman. This was supposed to used as a gag, but the guidettes are just awkward, and not meant to present at award show. Stick to chasing after juice heads ladies. Even the ever talented Leachman could not make this moment funny. The presented the best female video to Lady Gaga for "Born this Way."
In my second favorite moment of the evening Russell Brand walked on stage to pay tribute to one of his good friends, Amy Winehouse. Brand stated"When I first met her, she was a daft, dopey person. A little bit crazy." "But," he continued, "she was a genius. When a talent like Amy Winehouse comes along, it affects all of us." I have never seen this man heatfelt or genuine in real life, but in this moment I had felt like he had lost a friend and that it had hurt to talk about someone he cared about so much. Tony Bennett also paid tribute to and her brassy voice; he like Brand compared her to Billie Holliday, and Ella Fitzgerald, and highlighted their upcoming duet from his CD Duets II. To close out the the tribute Bruno Mars gave a great perfomance of Winhouse's "Valerie."
To close out the evening Katie Holmes; she is the big celebrity they got to announce video of the year, I wonder how much Tom Cruise paid to have that happen, presented the award to Katy Perry for Firework. Lil Wayne also closed out the show as his album was dropping soon after the award show was ending. After this mostly painful hour (I decided I would skip mention Chris Brown all together-waste of typing) I decided two things. I am 95% sure I will not be watching this award show next year, and I may be potentially past my MTV generation years.
In the end this show only provided me with two great moments and they both had to deal with Amy
Winehouse and Adele, two performers who MTV rarely highlights. The new MTV generation would rather watch Teen Mom, than music videos, and like their music auto tuned as opposed to actually having depth and meaning. I like Britney, when I go out and want to dance, or workout but beyond that her relevance has faded. I applaud Beyonce's latest effort with her latest album; she did her own thing. Music is about the product not the artist, and I just can't get behind that. Honestly I still do not understand how MTV has kept their name-this award show is the most they have talked about music all year.
With bad production value this award show was unwatchable. The lighting, sound, and editing were terrible.
Also having no host added laugh out loud moments, although neither did Chelsea Handler last year. Jessie J. in a mood "sang" songs to lead the show to commerical and bring the show back to commerical, and I would cringe every moment she was on the screen. I no longer can say "I want my MTV" anymore. I think it's time to be done with that network.
Also having no host added laugh out loud moments, although neither did Chelsea Handler last year. Jessie J. in a mood "sang" songs to lead the show to commerical and bring the show back to commerical, and I would cringe every moment she was on the screen. I no longer can say "I want my MTV" anymore. I think it's time to be done with that network.
Video of the year: Katy Perry, "Firework"
Best new artist: Tyler, The Creator
Best male video: Justin Bieber, "U Smile"
Best female video: Lady Gaga, "Born This Way"
Best hip-hop video: Nicki Minaj, "Super Bass"
Best pop video: Britney Spears, "Till The World Ends"
Best rock video: Foo Fighters, "Walk"
Best collaboration: Katy Perry feat. Kanye West, "E.T."
Best video with a message: Lady Gaga, "Born This Way"
Best choreography: Beyonce, "Run The World (Girls)"
Best editing: Adele, "Rolling In The Deep"
Best special effects: Katy Perry feat. Kanye West, "E.T."
Best cinematography: Adele, "Rolling In The Deep"
Best art direction: Adele, "Rolling In The Deep"
Best direction: Adele, "Rolling In The Deep
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