Yesterday I went to my favorite movie theatre in Albany the Spectrum. I love the Spectrum for a two
reasons 1) Spectrum is the only theatre in Albany that will play foreign films and documentaries or small independent films 2) The have best popcorn with REAL butter. I saw the film The Tree of Life directed by Terrence Malick (review to come). One of the stars of the film was someone I had never seen in a film before, and her name is Jessica Chastain. Not only is Jessica a beautiful woman, but she is also a talented actress on the rise.
With having only seen her in one film it may be hard to judge her potential, but her sheer presence in the film Tree of Life, made me want to see her in more. The film is not completely about the script so with few words Jessica was able to convey so many different emotions.
This upcoming summer Jessica has a bigger supporting role in the film The Help, which is based off the best-selling book about a woman who tells the story of a girl writing a book from the point of the help in Jackson, Mississippi. Jessica will Celia Foote a woman trying to break into society, but she is married to the man the antagonist (Hilly) was in love with; she is also trying to get pregnant. Done well, this could be another great role for her.
Chastain will also be playing Salome in the film Wilde Salome (written and directed by Al Pacino, and adapted from the once banned Oscar Wilde film). Chastain will also be acting opposite Pacino in this film, and I think that when it comes to the classics, Pacino doe it so well, and will help Chastain gain further critical acclaim.
I think Chastain has potential to blossom into a very promising actress.
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