Before Alice in Wonderland Wasikowska had a few small roles in some films and short films. Two high profile films she had roles in were Amelia (the story of Amelia Earhart) and Defiance (a film about Jewish brothers in Nazi occupied Eastern Europe). Both films had critical potential but neither highlighted Wasikowska's true talent. I hated Tim Burton's adaptation of Alice in Wonderland, all he knows how to do know is make a film look good, but the delivery just isn't there, but this is not a rant about Tim Burton that will come later. Wasikowska was great as Alice; she kicked butt was confident and pulled off a strong performance in a weak film.
Wasikowska's strongest role in film to date is her role in the the film The Kids are Alright. In the film Wasikowska plays Joni the daughter of two lesbians who wants to find the man whose sperm was used to help create her and her brother. Sounds like the great American story (well I think so). Wasikowska knocked it out of the park with this role; she was strong fierce and played the the naive teenager on the verge of adulthood well.
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