The Grammy's really don't know their stuff. Here are my picks for the best albums of the year and the best singles. This is my my first list of the "best." The list of the best TV shows, performances in TV, and TV episodes of the year is up next!
Best Albums of 2011
1-Adele's-21-It's hard to find people who do not love this album. I have one friend who does, but his argument is he does not like Adele's voice ( I am baffled). From start to finish this album is beautifully flawless. Their is pure raw energy and talent. This is one of my favorite albums of all time
Best Track "Someone Like You"
2-Bon Iver-Bon Iver-The music on this album is hauntingly beautiful. The songwriting and tone of this somewhat soft pop is terrific.
Best Track "Holocene"
3-Beyonce-4 A lot of people wrote off this album, but I think this is one of Beyonce's strongest albums. This did not have a lot of success sales wise, but sometimes the best material does not. Beyonce has put her heart and soul into this album and it shows!
Best Track- "Countdown"
4-Jay-Z and Kanye West-Watch the Throne, The combination of these two performers could have been explosively bad, with both of their egos. Yet the music speaks for itself with songs that go into deep subject matters like racism, this album takes hip hop to another level.
Best Track-"Otis"
5-The Black Keys- El Camino, This album keeps up with the trend of their music have an influence with the blues, but also finds inspiration in rock. The album is their first that has found the best balance in going beyond their overtly sad, and finds more upbeat sounds.
Best Track-Dead and Gone
Thursday, December 22, 2011
2011's Best Music: The Albums and Songs
Best Singles of 2011
2-Adele-"Rolling in the Deep"
3-Nicki Minaj-"Super Bass"
4-Foster the People "Pumped up Kicks"
5-Britney Spears-"I Wanna Go"
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