I am having one of the most stressful weeks at work, between meetings, tasks, room inspections etc. I have had little time to do breath or catch up on other work I need to get done. Tonight I left work at 6 pm, and have rarely had the opportunity to just breath, until now. Time to vent and let out my emotions through the power of film. Jobs can be stressful, there are stressful times, and when a lot of things pile up they become emotionally and physically draining. After a long day of work yesterday and a staff meeting at 8 pm I came into my apartment put on my TV and passed out at 9:30. I think the last time I went to bed that early was when I was 10. I am prepping for the end of the week to have the same effect as I am trying to catch up on things I need to complete.Most of the movies out there describe bad work environments as opposed to someone having a stressful week. The reality behind the matter is that it's easier to depict a situation where someone hates their job completely or someone is in an extremely bad work environment. There a lot of movies like this, and some of them are extreme like one that was released this year, Horrible Bosses. The premise of the film is that three friends are in bad working environments with "horrible bosses" and they decide to plot and kill their bosses. This film is not only horrible (pun intended) but the premise is just almost beyond stupid. The backdrop of this film is that since the economy is bad none of the men can afford to lose their job, and some even enjoy their profession. I have to say I turned the film off in the middle so I saw no redemption in the premise and did not laugh much. Horrible Bosses appeared to have the message that if you hate your boss or they provide a bad working environment killing them is an option. I know this film is a comedy, and the point is dark humor, but I just did not laugh.

Films seems to tend to focus on the boss being the problem at work. I think my boss is actually pretty great; she is helpful and lets me just rant when I need to (yes Ann you are good at that). Movies also focus on the work environment causing the stress or a combination of the office space and the boss. The Devil Wears Prada (2006) focuses on how Miranda Priestly (let's be honest modeled after Anna Wintour) who is the editor of Runway the fashion magazine (again this is about Vogue) is a tyrant with her assistants. Anne Hathaway plays Andy Sachs the girl who knows nothing about fashion who tries to make in a work environment where she does not fit. Meryl Streep plays Miranda Priestly a nightmarish boss who demands her staff be flawless, because after all "In fashion one day you are in, and the next day you are out." Miranda Priestly is awful, but the world of fashion contributes to the stressful work environment. Everyone at Runway takes fashion so seriously, and if there are flaws in a fashion line, it means death!
Movies make the stress at work seem awful! Movies can also make a bad work day entertaining. People can go to the movies and sit back and laugh at how mean Miranda Priestly and say "Boy do I have it easy" or even "Wow my boss is just like that." Movies have so much power to make us think about things or laugh and provide great entertainment about specific situations. I enjoy movies because they can help me put so much into perspective. Movies make me think and help process things. Today I hit a peak level for stress because one thing set me over the edge. I had so much on my plate and then one bad thing made it all worse. I have to think that Scarlet O'Hara said it best "After all tomorrow is another day" and work is just work at the end of the day.
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